This is a game, where you try to clear the whole floor, from ghosts, zombies, Vampires and more. The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible. Every review is very helpful so make sure to leave one. Thank you to everyone who has played the game. Also there's a glitch where you can't move the player, in that case just reload the site. And the spikes don't work properly, they can one shot you easily sometimes so be careful.

Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withPixiJS
Tags2D, Singleplayer, Top down shooter


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i would have added better sound control and sometimes the monster's will beat the door when you enter causing insta death 

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Hey, so over all l liked the game. The player movement feels really good you have a few diffrent enemies, which i also really liked, as well as the light you use in the room.

I gotta say tho that you keep the colors contrast very near eachother. You have a brown bench and the brown ground looks so similair, that i kept on thinking it was the ground, as i tried shooting the enemy. The bullets did not reach, because i was shooting the bench.

The enemies do have diffrent kinds of damage points, but i would not add an enemy which one hits me, unless i would only add one of them. They are fast and sometimes spawn with 4 at once.

The spiders are a bit fast, but they do not damage so much and can therefor give you a good scare. You did a good job with making the spiders! I would also say,  the ghosts are made very well, they follow you and slowly drain your life!

But maybe make the zombies take over not too much healt, maybe 3 zombie hits instead of 2.

The pixel art you did looks nice, but maybe add more than one broken tile to the scene it can be a bit much. Maybe add two or four diffrent broken once and one good one.

It can also be very nice to add breakable crates or boxes, which contain hearts or nothing, just for the fun of it.

Now getting Feedback, does not mean you have to take over everything i just said, but if i said somethings you agree with you could take them and change your game based on these intakes. When i started making games i always got the feeling i need to adjust everything they said. But your game is actually fun, these are just some points to make it even more fun. 

l want to see you grow.